About me
© Ines Janas
I'm a behavioral and evolutionary ecologist currently based at the University of Konstanz and the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior. My research interests include animal coloration, sensory ecology and behavior with an emphasis on anti-predator adaptations.
Natural observations and curiosity are the foundation of my research questions. I experimentally test the function of signals and/or behavior using integrative and interdisciplinary approaches in both the field and in lab settings. I work on visual signals, cognition and anti-predator behavior of jumping spiders (Salticidae) and am constantly mind-blown by their perceptual and cognitive abilities. I currently find myself venturing into the ecology of fear and the ecology of sleep. I recently discovered a REM sleep-like state in spiders and am now working on establishing (REM) sleep in spiders, looking at architecture, function, ecology and evolution of REM sleep. Check out this website for more information about ongoing and past research and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you just want to chat about cool animal behavior. I'm always looking for collaborations across disciplines and especially across the globe! |